
#Contentology#Focus #mindfulness #attention Getting into focus, getting un-fuzzy, training our minds to think of one thing at one time, takes a lot of practice! I have a mind that jumps all over the place at times, and it likes to anticipate, work things out and be prepared. So for me, getting focused takes a concertedContinue reading “Focus”


#Alignment #contentology Being in alignment means being connected to something bigger than myself and feeling that I’m living my life in respect to the values that I hold most dear. In thinking about what has happened so far in 2020 so far and the tragedy that continues to unfold, especially in the US currently,  butContinue reading “Alignment”

Soul Chats

2/30 #contentology If my soul could speak directly to yours, this is what I would say.   That you have absolutely got this!   That you have the right to follow your dreams, that you should be on this earth doing what makes your soul sing!.  You don’t need to explain or justify why thingsContinue reading “Soul Chats”


#Contentology #1Motivate Motivation is such an interesting word and one that when I hear it, I have mixed feelings about it.  Mainly because in the world of helping people change and just in everyday life, I often hear people talking about making a change when they ‘feel motivated’. So often, we look for inspiration toContinue reading “Motivate”